Gambolò borlotti beans

Prodotto Agroalimentare Tipico (PAT) – Traditional regional food product

The Gambolò Borlotti bean is a climbing variety which can reach the height of 3 m. The pod contains 5-6 seeds of a creamy-white colour with streaks of maroon and a continual line on both sides. The bean was first cultivated in Gambolò and the adjacent municipalities in the 19th century and is currently involved in a project aimed at promoting the product along with the association of producers. Sowing begins in April and the harvesting of the dry seeds takes place from the first 10 days of July to the end of August. It presents a floury flesh and has a delicate, sweet flavour, without a bitter aftertaste. It is the perfect ingredient for various traditional Lomellina recipes, such as rice with beans, beans with onions, as well as the typical “ris e barlànd”. It is especially recommended in risottos with sausage. Gambolo beans are listed in the MIPAAFT national register of varieties of agricultural and vegetable species and samples are stored in the seed bank at the plant germplasm in the University of Pavia.